from the road Story From the Road: Third Time Makes the Pattern? Usually great stories start with full cars, open roads, and rigged rods, but this one starts different. This one starts with an internet troll.
gear Let's Talk about Broken Gear and Lifetime Warranties Are companies back tracking on lifetime warranties? (Fly Fishing Gear)
Members only common carp 5 Tips: So You Want to Catch a Carp Coming from trout, it's kind of like brushing your teeth with your opposite hand
private waters Let's Talk about Private Waters The comparison of fishing pressured public waters to private regulated-access waters is enlightening for anyone interested in fish behavior.
conservation concept Conservation Concept: Wildland-Urban Interface As natural lands come into contact with housing and other forms of development, the wildland-urban interface (WUI) expands, further threatening the remaining wilderness areas.
behavior Do Other Fish Know When A Fish Gets Hooked? Let's talk about the social cues a group responds to, or doesn't respond to, when a fish gets hooked.
Members only fish behavior The Science of Rest: Trout Get Burnout Too Do fish remember being caught? And how long would it take to reset the timid behavior of previously hooked fish throughout an entire fishery?
Members only behavior Featured Tips for Streams with Low Fish Density Lets take a look at how we approach rivers based on fish density and discuss what fishing rivers with fewer fish per mile have to offer
terrestrials Story From the Road: Amy's Ante Fish were rising everywhere, skimming #28 midges off the film of a deep run. Cows surrounded us as spectators for the feeding frenzy of a developing hatch. The water temperature was perfect...
exploring Frontiers in Angling Let's take a look at those new fisheries, and how anglers can uncover new and unexplored frontiers in angling
Members only sculpin Featured Phantom Sculpins of the South Platte Why would a trout eat a sculpin fly in a river without sculpin?
Members only largemouth bass Featured Understanding Warmwater Lakes In warmwater fly fishing, especially bass fishing, we often just throw poppers and streamers with little emphasis on understanding the reasoning for these tactics
common carp First to America: Carp Carp introduction in North America pre-dates brown trout introduction, and the hatchery propagation of rainbow trout
swim bladder Swim Bladders and Pressure Changes Let's take a closer look at how fish swim bladders might be influenced by atmospheric pressure changes (ie; storms, cold fronts)
tailwaters Featured The Double Tailwater Phenomenon "Tailwater" is almost a mythical word in Western fly fishing. What about double tailwaters?
Members only conservation Featured The Warmwater-Coldwater Connection Conservation: Let's take a look at the surprising way that warmwater can support coldwater fisheries
common carp Story From the Road: 4-Wheeled Oven Fly fishing: Craving the flats, it was finally time to dig into the carp game again
safety The Three Unforgivable Sins of Safe Wading Stay safe when wading by avoiding these unforgivable sins.
Members only conservation concept Conservation Concept: Artificial Boundaries Borders are everywhere. Not only natural but also artificial borders. The two don't always play nice...
Paid-members only cutthroat How Did Cutthroat Trout Cross the Continental Divide? Most cutthroat trout are found west of the Continental Divide, so how did they find their way to the east side of the divide? Science behind fly fishing
fly tying 3 Under Appreciated Fly Tying Materials for Trout Fly Tying: I want to highlight some under-appreciated materials that look incredible
Paid-members only natural history Featured The Story of the Cutthroat Trout Subspecies This is the story of how Cutthroat trout spread across western North America and transformed into their distinct variations
due west insiders Featured 2023 Preview: Introducing Due West Insiders We're introducing a new subscription to the site for anyone looking for a little bit extra