conservation concept Conservation Concept: The City Paradox how cities can support and invade wilderness
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essential reads Best of 2024: Yearly Round-Up Highlighting the essential reads from 2024's lineup of fly-fishing articles from the brains at DWA
sunglasses Reviewing Bajío’s Rose Lens Sunglasses finding a new pair of sunglasses for cloudy conditions
fly design Trends in Fly Innovation can we expect new innovations in fly patterns to continue forever?
trigger points Featured Attracting Rises from Trout Wisdom from a forgotten book: Why do trout rise to a dry fly? Exploring LaFontaine's lost ideas on attractors
Members only wet flies Why Swinging Soft Hackles Works It might be the oldest trick in the trout fly fishers playbook. Yet many people still don’t really know why swinging soft hackles work. It's hardly a natural presentation...
gear Reviewing Sunray's New Fly Line With Kevlar Core Notes from our first time out with the no stretch kevlar core of Sunray's new EZ Back Cast fly line
social media Who's Keeping Score How do we measure success for a day on the water? Unless you're in a competitive angling situation, you're in control of the scoreboard.
fly tying Get the Wings Right on the Chubby Chernobyl Despite being a Swiss Army knife pattern, fly tyers seem to struggle with the wing on the Chubby Chernobyl
bonefish Famous Saltwater Fish Rivaling Cutthroat Diversity there's a saltwater equivalent in the fly fishing world that's more diverse than cutthroat but less commonly discussed
fly rod Featured Which Fly Rod Is Best? That's Asking the Wrong Question The dirty secret about a fly rod shootout: there is no best rod
natural history Still Extinct, Yellowfin Cutthroat Once Made it to Colorado’s Grand Mesa Work done by Mark Pizzimenti has uncovered more untold details about the history of the Yellowfin trout...
alpine Alpine Flies: Darker as You Climb Alpine fly fishing: the higher the elevation, the darker the fly
Members only perfect trout fishery Building the Perfect Trout Fishery (3 of 3) How would you build the perfect trout fishery? It's like Roller Coaster Tycoon for Fly Fishing. Part 3: Site Management
Members only perfect trout fishery Building the Perfect Trout Fishery (2 of 3) How would you build the perfect trout fishery? It's like Roller Coaster Tycoon for Fly Fishing. Part 2: Site Design
perfect trout fishery Building the Perfect Trout Fishery (1 of 3) How would you build the perfect trout fishery? It's like Roller Coaster Tycoon for Fly Fishing. Part 1: Site Selection
nymphing Featured Nymphing vs Turbulence The nymphing angler is locked in a perennial quest to fish deeper because rivers fight back...
Rivers Down But Not Out: Runoff 6 favorite flies for fishing runoff, when the rivers are running high, and dirty.