fly rod Featured Which Fly Rod Is Best? That's Asking the Wrong Question The dirty secret about fly rods, there is no best rod
nymphing Featured Nymphing vs Turbulence The nymphing angler is locked in a perennial quest to fish deeper because rivers fight back...
skunked The Skunk Set Me Free Getting skunked, catching nothing, was never an acceptable outcome.... until I realized different
grasshoppers Featured Pink Grasshoppers Really Do Exist In our never-ending quest to explain why unexpected colors work as fly patterns I found some insights in an unlikely place... the museum...
Members only trout Crash Course in Picky Trout Behavior Fly Fishing graduate school: Understanding a picky trout can be the difference-maker when trying to present flies to these stubborn fish.
pattern hangover Fish Memory and Pattern Hangover You missed the big hatch, but if you know a little about how trout brains work you might know that you're window of opportunity hasn't fully closed yet...
salmonflies Improving the Salmonfly Dry Fly We walk through tying a modified 64 Impala fly pattern and clarify how to customize this recipe to match the hatch beyond the original
Members only behavior Featured Tips for Streams with Low Fish Density Lets take a look at how we approach rivers based on fish density and discuss what fishing rivers with fewer fish per mile have to offer
fly tying 3 Under Appreciated Fly Tying Materials for Trout Fly Tying: I want to highlight some under-appreciated materials that look incredible
cutthroat Story From The Road: The Cattle Drive Fishing story: You don't know what's going to happen when you find yourself fishing in the middle of a cattle drive...
behavior Sibling Rivalry? Behavioral Differences When Browns and Rainbows Share a Stream Rainbow Trout vs Brown Trout , the Ultimate Battle
Members only terrestrials The Colorful World of Grasshoppers Fly tying: What are the best colors for tying and fishing grasshoppers. Check out our breakdown.
casting Lefty or Righty? Your Dominant Hand Affects Your Presentation Tips for casting in Fly Fishing: Have you ever thought about how your casting arm affects your fly presentation? Look no further.