behavior Wait... Carp Don't Have What Organ?! These picky fish lack an internal organ commonly found in almost 3/4 of all fish, how is that possible?
skunked The Skunk Set Me Free Getting skunked, catching nothing, was never an acceptable outcome.... until I realized different
Members only big fish 5 Tips for Landing Those Big Fish To be a true angler you need to experience the heartbreak of losing a big fish. Here's how to stack the odds in your favor so that doesn't happen...
anatomy Featured Useful Biology: Fish Tails We can learn clues about fish by simply understanding how tail shapes differ (Fly Fishing)
fly rod Instant Favorite: TFO Axiom II-X Fly Rod Review This fly rod has become an instant favorite, reviewing the tfo axiom 2-x fly rod
exploring Frontiers in Angling Let's take a look at those new fisheries, and how anglers can uncover new and unexplored frontiers in angling
Members only largemouth bass Featured Understanding Warmwater Lakes In warmwater fly fishing, especially bass fishing, we often just throw poppers and streamers with little emphasis on understanding the reasoning for these tactics
grass carp Story From The Road: Mudwrestling Our fly fishing story of landing an unlikely fish, and navigating the 9-5 grind