grasshoppers Featured Pink Grasshoppers Really Do Exist In our never-ending quest to explain why unexpected colors work as fly patterns I found some insights in an unlikely place... the museum...
pattern hangover Fish Memory and Pattern Hangover You missed the big hatch, but if you know a little about how trout brains work you might know that you're window of opportunity hasn't fully closed yet...
salmonflies Improving the Salmonfly Dry Fly We walk through tying a modified 64 Impala fly pattern and clarify how to customize this recipe to match the hatch beyond the original
terrestrials Story From the Road: Amy's Ante Fish were rising everywhere, skimming #28 midges off the film of a deep run. Cows surrounded us as spectators for the feeding frenzy of a developing hatch. The water temperature was perfect...
terrestrials Silver Linings Fly Box: Grasshoppers and Drought Fly fishing: There is one interesting byproduct of the drought that could serve to favor trout anglers when fishing hoppers
Members only terrestrials The Colorful World of Grasshoppers Fly tying: What are the best colors for tying and fishing grasshoppers. Check out our breakdown.