trigger points Featured Attracting Rises from Trout Wisdom from a forgotten book: Why do trout rise to a dry fly? Exploring LaFontaine's lost ideas on attractors
gear Reviewing Sunray's New Fly Line With Kevlar Core Notes from our first time out with the no stretch kevlar core of Sunray's new EZ Back Cast fly line
Members only perfect trout fishery Building the Perfect Trout Fishery (3 of 3) How would you build the perfect trout fishery? It's like Roller Coaster Tycoon for Fly Fishing. Part 3: Site Management
Members only perfect trout fishery Building the Perfect Trout Fishery (2 of 3) How would you build the perfect trout fishery? It's like Roller Coaster Tycoon for Fly Fishing. Part 2: Site Design
perfect trout fishery Building the Perfect Trout Fishery (1 of 3) How would you build the perfect trout fishery? It's like Roller Coaster Tycoon for Fly Fishing. Part 1: Site Selection
nymphing Featured Nymphing vs Turbulence The nymphing angler is locked in a perennial quest to fish deeper because rivers fight back...
rainbow trout An Angler's Guide to Stream Temperatures Did you know that your thermometer can be useful to uncover all kinds of fly fishing clues? Bug hatches, fish preferences, fish behavior...
behind the scenes Behind the Scenes Unveiling the creative process from idea to ink for Due West Angler's distinctive articles on fly fishing + science + conservation
Members only tailwater Tailstone Rivers: What Are They and How Do They Work? how do tailwaters transform back into freestone rivers? (fly fishing)
Members only big fish 5 Tips for Landing Those Big Fish To be a true angler you need to experience the heartbreak of losing a big fish. Here's how to stack the odds in your favor so that doesn't happen...
anatomy Featured Useful Biology: What A Fish Tail Teaches Anglers We can learn clues about fish by simply understanding how tail shapes differ (Fly Fishing)
Members only behavior Featured Tips for Streams with Low Fish Density Lets take a look at how we approach rivers based on fish density and discuss what fishing rivers with fewer fish per mile have to offer
terrestrials Story From the Road: Amy's Ante Fish were rising everywhere, skimming #28 midges off the film of a deep run. Cows surrounded us as spectators for the feeding frenzy of a developing hatch. The water temperature was perfect...
tailwaters Featured The Double Tailwater Phenomenon "Tailwater" is almost a mythical word in Western fly fishing. What about double tailwaters?
cutthroat The Cult of the Rainbow We simply don't need more rainbow trout, and rest assured, they aren't going anywhere. So don't be swayed by the cult of rainbow trout.
steelhead The Weird Biology of Half-Pounder Steelhead Fly fishing: Let's take a look at the weird biology of half-pounder Steelhead
climate change Western Trout Rivers: An Angler's Prospectus Fly fishing: Out west, with years of lingering drought, and now reports of declining trout populations in the holy-waters of Montana...
behavior Sibling Rivalry? Behavioral Differences When Browns and Rainbows Share a Stream Rainbow Trout vs Brown Trout , the Ultimate Battle
whitefish Science Informed: Catch More Trout and Less Whitefish Tired of catching only whitefish and no trout? Ever wonder why that happens when you're fly fishing? Look no further
Rivers Rainbow Trout: Global Invaders (Part 2 of 2) Did you know Rainbow trout are considered one of the most invasive species on the planet? But still, anglers love them. They have an interesting past, to say the least...
trout Rainbow Trout, Man’s (Aquatic) Best Friend: Part 1 of 2 Rainbow trout have been all around the world, making them Man's (Aquatic) Best Friend. There are as many hatchery strains of rainbows as there are dog breeds.