nymphing Featured Nymphing vs Turbulence The nymphing angler is locked in a perennial quest to fish deeper because rivers fight back...
Rivers Down But Not Out: Runoff 6 favorite flies for fishing runoff, when the rivers are running high, and dirty.
behind the scenes Behind the Scenes Unveiling the creative process from idea to ink for Due West Angler's distinctive articles on fly fishing + science + conservation
Members only tailwater Tailstone Rivers: What Are They and How Do They Work? how do tailwaters transform back into freestone rivers? (fly fishing)
salmonflies Improving the Salmonfly Dry Fly We walk through tying a modified 64 Impala fly pattern and clarify how to customize this recipe to match the hatch beyond the original
Members only conservation Featured The Warmwater-Coldwater Connection Let's take a look at the surprising way that warmwater can support coldwater fisheries
climate change Western Trout Rivers: An Angler's Prospectus Fly fishing: Out west, with years of lingering drought, and now reports of declining trout populations in the holy-waters of Montana...
fly tying Weird Flies That Work: Polar Shrimp Fly fishing: An unexpected pattern to be treasured by a Rocky Mountain trout angler
stillwater Why Don't We See More Chartreuse in Stillwater Trout Flies? Do you recall any chartreuse flies for trout when shopping at your average fly shop?
cutthroat Using Nature's Engineers to Slow Early Runoff Before civil engineering ever existed, there were animals shaping rivers across N. America. Have we forgotten the benefits they offer?
fly tying Weird Flies That Work: Super-X Fly tying: Developed for the South Fork of the Snake River below Palisades Reservoir in Southeastern Idaho, the Super-X kind of has a cult following
Members only utah The Case of the Missing Salmonflies What happened to the salmonflies in this western stream? Are other streams headed for the same outcome?